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Price, Moreland resign from council

Kent Casson

(Dwayne Price shown at a candidate forum last spring hosted by Chenoa News)

Two commissioners have resigned from the Chenoa City Council.

Parks Commissioner Dwayne Price and Water and Sewer Commissioner Joe Moreland stepped down following last week’s council meeting after employee allegations of harassment by the mayor surfaced.

“It’s an unfortunate thing but I just couldn’t handle all of the stuff that was going on,” Price told Chenoa News Monday morning.

Price feels the mayor has no respect for who he is talking to when he gets mad.

“He’s got a job to do and we had a job to do. He was more worried about what we were doing than what he should have been doing.”

Price would not rule out a return to city government someday.

“Down the road, I wouldn’t mind being back on because I’ve been doing stuff for the city for over 20 years with different organizations,” he said.

Moreland felt the city was moving in the right direction with the water and sewer department and believes great strides were made, but he cited difficulties with the mayor.

“For what he calls passion, I call ignorance because you cannot talk to people the way he does and expect something different,” stated Moreland.

Expect Moreland to run in the next election as he enjoyed seeing the movement the city made when he was there, with water being an ongoing issue. He hopes things move in the right direction.

“To be 100 percent honest, if Dave Shane ever stepped down, I’d be the first one knocking to see if I could do the water department.”

Moreland’s concern is not if the city gets sued but when the city gets sued.

“As a commissioner and/or a mayor, we have no consequences to our actions and that’s a problem,” said Moreland.

While Mayor Shane chose not to comment on the resignations, he did confirm that someone had stepped forward interested in the parks position. That candidate will likely be voted on at an upcoming council meeting. He is searching for a water and sewer commissioner.

During the Sept. 12 Chenoa City Council meeting, city employees Dalton Campbell and Jacob Lucas accused the mayor of harassment. Campbell stated he is looking for answers about the issue, claiming the mayor drove by employees numerous times. Lucas claimed he had harassment issues with the mayor as well.

(Joe Moreland, right, is sworn-in at a previous City Council meeting in Chenoa)

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