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PCPW marks Veteran's Day

Kent Casson

Lt. Josh Smith speaks to PC Primary West students on Thursday morning.

To Lt. Josh Smith, being a veteran is about being a part of something bigger than yourself. It is about belonging to a team.

“When you are part of a team, you work together,” Smith told students at Prairie Central Primary West in Chenoa Thursday morning.

Love is something also important to veterans as Smith said he loves this country, his family and all of the students attending the Veteran’s Day assembly. Smith joined the military to help protect everyone.

PCPW Principal Shannon Fuhr reminded students the purpose of Thursday’s gathering in the school gymnasium was to remind everyone why we wear red, white and blue and celebrate the day.

“Thank you for taking the time to come here this morning,” stated Dale Roach of the Chenoa VFW.

Roach explained to students the meaning behind a table displayed in the front of the gym to honor POW-MIA’s. When a meal is eaten, we often remember those who can’t be with us. A video was then shown about a white table with various items placed on it to honor those who answered their country’s call to duty.

Fuhr acknowledged all of the veteran parents, grandparents and relatives in attendance and those who served were asked to come forward to explain when and where they served our country.

The entire group recited the Pledge of Allegiance at the conclusion of the event.

A military uniform display on the gym stage at PCPW.

This table is shown to remember POW-MIA's.

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