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Miller to manage new insurance office

Kent Casson

Chenoa native Jonah Miller will manage the new office of Country Financial Agent Marlon Eilts in Chenoa.

A familiar name in the insurance business is expanding to Chenoa this summer.

The new location for Country Financial representative Marlon Eilts opens in June at 217 South Green Street, in uptown Chenoa. Jonah Miller will be the new office manager. He grew up in Chenoa and worked at Goodin’s Used Cars through high school with his grandparents before moving on to study ag business at University of Illinois.

“I’m excited,” said Miller. “This is one of those things where the stars really lined up and I was given a very good opportunity.”

Miller feels Chenoa is a supportive community and that Eilts will give him the tools needed to do well.

The business expansion of Eilts’ Pontiac office has been on the back burner for about four or five years. Both Country and Eilts are buying in to the growth model of supporting surrounding communities and adding to the team.

“I think it was the right time seeing the growth in Chenoa,” explained Eilts.

This just adds to the rapid growth of the community which now has a new brewery down the street, a popular fitness center and many other businesses around town. Eilts felt it was appropriate to jump on the Chenoa bandwagon.

One factor about the town that appealed to Eilts was the big Chenoa Fourth of July celebration each summer.

The office had several office manager candidates and Miller was one of a few finalists for the position who really impressed Eilts.

“We are excited to have him on,” stated Eilts.

Eilts has established quite a business in Pontiac – a town he grew up in and graduated high school from. After receiving his degree from Illinois State University, Eilts returned to Pontiac and has been with Country since 2005.

“We help people with insurance and investments, financial planning and we have a lot of good things happening.”

The current office building, which was purchased in 2010, is located on Ladd Street in Pontiac. Eilts says his specialty is financial planning and a business staple is holding community events. Many programs started by Eilts in Pontiac have been adopted by the city.

“That’s our way of giving back and making sure the community grows with us.”

For now, customers can still reach Country Financial representative Marlon Eilts at the Pontiac location, 815-842-1376. You can also find the office on Facebook or by searching online for the main website.

“Make sure you come and see me this June,” adds Miller.

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