It appears the weather will straighten out and much of the Memorial Day Weekend looks to be a decent one in Chenoa.
The weekend festivities start Saturday at 9 a.m. when flags will be placed at Chenoa Cemetery. Volunteers are welcome to assist.
“They will be illuminated both Saturday and Sunday nights from dusk until probably dawn,” explains Dale Roach of the Chenoa VFW.
Chenoa’s VFW and Auxiliary will hold a poppy drive from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, according to Roach. The Memorial Day Service begins at approximately 11:30 a.m. Monday at the cemetery. This could be slightly delayed as they await the arrival of Prairie Central High School band members who come directly from the Fairbury service.
Flags at the cemetery are typically taken down around 2 p.m. Monday and again, volunteers are encouraged to help out.