The Chenoa Cub Scout Pack 3822 held their last pack meeting for this scouting year on Thursday, June 13 at the Chenoa Baptist Church.
They planned to have it out at Silliman pond, but that was the night the storms came through! Safety First! Many families attended to see the Cub Scouts advance their rank and move up to the next level of Cub Scouts.
They did several activities to complete each rank, appropriate for their age. Some of the pack activities included a lock-in/overnight at the Chenoa Fire Station, hiking in Fugate Woods, Cub Scout Day Camp in Humiston Woods, the Pinewood Derby and camping out on the Cornbelters field after a game. The pack is also involved in serving the community with several activities such as assisting with the Memorial Day ceremony at Chenoa Cemetery, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, cleaning the park after July 4th, and serving a dinner for the local VFW members for Veterans Day.
These scouts advanced in rank at this pack meeting: Spurgeon Zimmerman, Jaxon Risen, and Jaxson Mata earned their Lion Rank badge and advanced to the Tiger den for next year. Indy Lesperance, Logan Mata, and Oliver Harris earned the Tiger Rank badge, and will advance to the Wolf den group.
Eli Burger, Ryder Mikeska, Owen Vercler, Bentley Sullens, Abe Harrison, Jaxson Petty and Leo Camargo achieved Wolf Rank and advanced to the Bear den. Declan Fehr and Mason Mata achieved the Bear rank and will join the Webelos den. Adam Carrion, Alan Camargo, Chase Vercler, Emerson Brock, and Solomon Zimmerman achieved the Webelos Rank, and will move on to the Arrow of Light den.
We also want to thank the adults that served as den leaders for the scouts this year: Jose Mata, Justin Lesperance, Danni Burger, Kayla Swallows, and Adrian Carrion. And also thanks to committee members Lesley Brock (Treasurer), Tiffany Hanna (Secretary), Greg Anderson (Advancement Chair) and Chris Wilder.
If your children are interested in Cub Scouting, our recruitment event will (hopefully) be at the Chenoa Pool in August. We also want community members to know that we appreciate their support of the Cub Scout program through donations and buying popcorn. You also don’t have to live in Chenoa to be part of our pack, there are scouts from across the school district and area that are part of our group.
A special thank you goes out to Kayla Swallows for serving as the Cubmaster this last year. Her energy was contagious, and we all appreciated that she took the lead. She is not able to stay involved though, so we need a Cubmaster. This is the key leader of the Pack. However, with a team of volunteers, we can spread out some of the responsibilities.
You don’t have to have children in the program, if you would like to get involved with the kids in the community and have some time, we would love any help with our activities. There is an application process for adults including some training and a background check.