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Code amended for family hiring

Kent Casson

Following a special Chenoa City Council meeting this week, the city code has been amended regarding family hiring.

The ordinance previously prohibited any family member related to a council member or full-time employee from being hired by the city. Thursday’s ordinance change allows family hiring, although the city must put the job out for public notice. If the person is related to someone, the city must ensure the candidate is best suited for the job and that there is no direct supervision between employees who are related.

Mayor Chris Wilder noted the city needs workers as they will have to replace a couple of positions soon, such as a water operator and streets employee. This was a driver behind the special council meeting along with the fact that an employee’s relative wanted to apply for a city position.

“We are looking for somebody that wants to stay permanently and make a career out of it,” Wilder said. “We want to get the application process going.”

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