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City extends liquor licenses

Kent Casson

The Chenoa City Council has voted to extend liquor licenses to a due date of March 31, 2021.

This is a way to help out the bars and similar businesses impacted by COVID-19. Due to the pandemic, the state has offered an extension on all Illinois liquor licenses, according to Chenoa Mayor Chris Wilder.

The extension is for any business with a liquor license, including gas stations.

“Brown Jug and Finish Line are the two probably most affected by COVID,” said Wilder.

Wilder does not want to extend the due date too long but believes the city should try to work with the businesses. This is not a discount, just more time to pay.

Also at Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Chenoa City Council, the group voted to allow the mayor to change Nicor from a therm to cash option. The city is allotted so many therms to use but isn’t using all of those each year.

Nicor’s Bernie Anderson told the council this does not technically need to be passed but it would be a good idea to have it on record.

The council amended the 2020-21 budget for changes which include a bigger anticipated loss from transferring money to pay for the water main project. The pool saw increased revenue and expenses and the budgeted loss is less for the water and sewer fund. The TIF fund was changed due to city improvements and there were extra motor fuel expenses.

“I was looking over it and everything looks alright to me,” said Commissioner Chad Daiker.

Accountant Bryan Rowold hopes the budgeted losses do not come true but reminded the council that they should plan for worst-case scenarios.

Another action item included abating the tax levied for 2020 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Bonds, series 2017, of the city. This ordinance is approved every year. Another ordinance approved at the meeting levies a tax for corporate purposed upon all the property subject to taxation within the city for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.

During commissioner comments, Daiker reported he has been looking into skate park ideas but has not found anything within the budget. Commissioner Kyle Buchanan noted there will be some TIF issues coming up.

A City Council meeting schedule was approved for 2021, with the group meeting the second and fourth Tuesdays every month except for the one closest to the Christmas holiday. November 12 meeting minutes were authorized along with the bills and payroll.

In closing, the mayor thanked everyone for supporting Chenoa in an extremely rough year. He recalls seeing good things where individuals have stepped up and done things the city has not seen in a long time.

“We’ve got a lot of good going on,” Wilder observed. “Have a great Christmas and enjoy it.”

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