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City Council hears public comments

Dale C. Maley

This week’s regular meeting of the Chenoa City Council included public comments ranging from drain tiles to police.

A citizen inquired when a plugged drain tile in town would be repaired. Mayor Chris Wilder stated the city was waiting for a piece of their sewer repair equipment to be repaired, and then they would fix the tile.

The next item of public comment was a heated discussion about the Chenoa Police Department being too aggressive on traffic stops and DUI arrests.

The owner of the Brown Jug recently sent a two-page letter to the Mayor and City Council with his concerns about the police. The owner had discussed his problems with Mayor Chris Wilder but received no feedback from other council members.

The owner said many of his customers would no longer go to Chenoa after 6 p.m. because they are afraid of being stopped for frivolous traffic law violations. Several other citizens also expressed concerns. The mayor ended this public comment section of the meeting and said a further discussion should take place after the conclusion of the meeting.

Mayor Wilder reported he had received a letter of resignation from Joseph Bell. Mr. Bell resigned because he did not want to comply with a new State of Illinois law that all public officials must file a new financial disclosure form called the Statement of Economic Interest.

A TIF application is being developed for the former business known as the Kat-E-Corner. Plans are being developed for this project, including adding a mural for a photo opportunity for tourists.

The library will be sponsoring a music event on June 15th and requests street closures for the event. The request was approved. The 4th of July Street dance is planned as well.

There are currently two openings on the Chenoa City Council. This includes Streets Commissioner and Water & Sewer Commissioner. The Mayor proposed Dwayne Price fill the role of Streets Commissioner, and his proposal was voted and approved. Candidates are still being reviewed to fill the Water & Sewer Commissioner position.

A review of Chenoa's finances from the treasurer showed the city's finances were in the best shape they have been for several years. The new park is being tiled and mulched. The swimming pool is being prepared to open for this summer's season.

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