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  • Dale C. Maley

City Council approves donations

The Chenoa City Council gathered for a regular meeting Tuesday evening in Chenoa.

Minutes from the last meeting and bills to be paid were approved.

Next on the agenda was a request for a donation for the upcoming Red Carpet Corridor on May 7. The Mayor noted that the City Council had generally reduced contributions to groups to roughly half of last year's donations. The Council has donated $1,000 to $1,500 to the Red Carpet Corridor event in past years. The Mayor proposed reducing the contribution to $500 for 2022. The City Council passed his proposal.

Another donation consideration for the 4th of July Committee was reviewed. In past years, the City Council has donated about $2,500. Kyle Buchanan proposed this donation be reduced to $1,250 for 2022. The Council passed his proposal.

An ordinance for modifying the City Code regarding waste was next discussed. A list of prohibited items for dumping was developed, and the minimum fine was raised to $250. Cameras have also been added to the dumping area. The modification to the ordinance was approved.

The main city park playground equipment is being removed so that new equipment can be installed soon. Some of the old equipment is being moved to the park at the pond.

The plan for the giant jungle gym was to take it apart and sell it at auction at the next Community Sale. A local citizen noted the jungle gym would bring less than $50 at auction because of the difficulty of putting it back together. This citizen offered to move the jungle gym to his residence and pay the City $500. The Council accepted the citizen's proposal to purchase and move the giant jungle gym within two weeks.

The Council approved the purchase of a new police car. The current Chenoa billboard is visible from the I-55 interstate, but it is after the exit to Chenoa. Because it is after the exit, no new visitors can see it and then exit to Chenoa. The new gas station, Wally's in Pontiac, was contacted, and they would be willing to lease the sign and pay the City $250 per month. The lease would be month-to-month and can be canceled at any time. The City Council approved leasing the billboard to Wally's.

The State of Illinois passed a new law requiring more financial disclosure from all Illinois public officials. This new law will apply to State Legislators, Judges, Mayors, and City Council officials effective January 1, 2022.

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