Prairie Central may no longer have an eighth-grade graduation, but those completing junior high school were celebrated in Chenoa Friday evening.
“When I moved to Chenoa and began raising my kids, I soon found that Prairie Central does not have a graduation for eighth grade students,” said event organizer Danni Burger. “It frustrated me when my oldest was younger but as he got closer to eighth grade, I knew I needed to do something.”
OB’s Cervezaria let Burger hold the event there and Joe’s Stationhouse Pizzeria offered a free slice of pizza for each student and a simple Prairie Central backdrop helped provide some fun photos.
Out of a class of 118, around 20 students showed up with a few siblings and family members.
“Not a huge turnout, but for a first year and not much notice, I think this is a step in the right direction to at least start something important for our future classes,” added Burger.
Planned activities included sand volleyball, video games and arcade games.
Burger thanks everyone who did show up and is glad everyone enjoyed themselves.
“Good luck on your next adventure and here’s to the future Class of ’28!”
