After a quick vote which was unanimous, the Chenoa City Council officially approved a water rate increase at Tuesday’s regular council meeting.
Mayor Chris Wilder tells Chenoa News in the first year, residents will see an increase on the July bill. This increase is $4 per 1,000 gallons and the new rate is $13 per 1,000. May 1, 2022 is when the next increase is scheduled for, which will then be $15 per 1,000 gallons with each additional year after a two percent increase on the May bills as well.
The sewer rate will be $4.75 per 1,000 on the July bill, which is the first increase. May of 2022 is the next increase at $5.25 per 1,000 gallons and the two percent annual increase each year thereafter.
“Along with those changes, the debt surcharge on our bill is currently $6 going July 1 this year to $6.25 and $6.50 respectively in May 2022,” Wilder explained.
Water and Sewer Commissioner Lee Reinhart provided answers to several questions he received after the last City Council meeting regarding rates and why the money is needed. It was revealed the city had a negative balance at the end of the budget year for over 10 years and needed to find a way to make this up in order to help with future infrastructure.
In the last few years, the city has done water plant upgrades and rehabbed the water tower.
“We’ve replaced water mains on both Commercial and Division streets in the last two years,” Wilder said while reviewing the meeting. “We want to continue upgrading all of our water mains as we can.”
Also at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the group approved the yearly request from the Fourth of July Committee to hold the street dance, use the parade route and close the usual streets for the celebration.
Jason McNamara appeared before the council discussing a possible tree ordinance. He presented a sample ordinance which he prepared. The city attorney will look into this and draw something up for a future agenda item so Chenoa can receive a Tree City U.S.A. designation.
Mayor Wilder said the swimming pool is ready to go for the season and the VFW will hold its annual Memorial Day Service at approximately 11:30 a.m. Monday at Chenoa Cemetery along Route 24.