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Axe throwing at Brown Jug approved

Kent Casson

Chenoa's Brown Jug, the site of a planned axe throwing event in August.

Axe throwing is coming to the Brown Jug in Chenoa on Sunday, August 8.

The Chenoa City Council granted a special use permit for the event during Tuesday night’s regular meeting at City Hall.

“This is completely caged and there are spotters behind each person that throws,” explained Bill Bridge of Brown Jug.

The company involved sets everything up and has its own insurance, according to Bridge. Some bars in Bloomington and Peoria are doing this and the council didn’t seem to have a problem with it coming to Chenoa.

“Sounds good to me,” stated Mayor Chris Wilder.

Bridge emphasized the fact that many precautions are taken and there will be limits in place.

“You are all welcome to come and see what it’s like,” he added.

Dylan Cerda from Chenoa Fitness Center followed Bridge’s comments by talking about a planned Chenoa Beer Run 2021 to be held the same day as the axe throwing event. The “beer mile” is set to start at 12:30 p.m. with the axe throwing beginning around 2 p.m.

Cerda asked to use street barricades for this run, which will happen on the street behind Brown Jug. It is for those 21 and over with liability waivers signed.

Also at Tuesday’s council meeting, Sarah Michaels appeared before the group for a tree update. She noted mulching and fertilization are still pending and some trees need to be staked since they are leaning. Also, Greenview Nursery has offered Chenoa residents wholesale pricing for fall tree purchases.

“They are doing their field inventory next week,” Michaels explained.

The trees would be delivered by November 1 to a resident’s yard.

“I think it would be good for the residents to be able to buy trees,” said Commissioner Chad Daiker.

Michaels expressed concerns over the dangers posed by Ash Trees impacted by Emerald Ash Borer. Streets Commissioner Joseph Bell indicated he is working on taking down several trees.

During comments, Daiker reminded everyone yard waste can be taken to the city dump but only trees, grass or brush. He said the city has done great keeping up with everything despite equipment trouble with mowers. Daiker has been in contact with DNR to survey the pond to give the city input on how to better take care of it.

Concrete has been poured for the new park restrooms and block work could start in early August.

“The bleachers are also being updated,” Daiker said.

Water and Sewer Commissioner Lee Reinhart reported work is still finishing up on Commercial Street and there continues to be an issue with a service pump. The city did have its first EPA inspection of the plant and passed.

“They want us to update our monitoring and reporting,” explained Reinhart.

Overall, there was only one page of items for the city to address. Reinhart hopes to focus on some areas of the sewage plant which have been neglected. Hydrant flushing is expected to happen in late August and early September and bids are going out soon for the new Division Street project.

Reinhart pleaded with the public not to flush wet wipes down toilets as it harms the old sewage equipment.

Bell thought everything went smoothly for the recent Fourth of July celebration and said workers have been chipping the roads in town and are about halfway done. He suggested the city create an ordinance where residents must get approval from City Hall to put trees on city property. It has taken extra time to take down trees which were neglected with stakes and wire grown into them.

Finance and Insurance Commissioner Kyle Buchanan said the city is exploring new insurance quotes as it does every year to keep quality insurance coverage for everyone.

City leaders approved an ordinance levying a tax for corporation purposes upon all of the property subject to taxation within the city for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2022. This ordinance is very similar to a copy of the budget and the city attorney draws it up to tell people what the city is taxing them on.

The sale of a debris loader owned by the city was authorized.

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